Is There a LGBTQ Crisis?

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Grandpa continues his discussion of the LGBTQ Equality Act. Today’s question is what evidence to the bill’s supporters provide that there is a LGBTQ crisis?

We Start with LGBTQ Rights

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American Grandpa start his series discussing the moral and political dysfunction of the Republican Party and what we can do about it. He starts with a case study: The Equality Act (LBGTQ rights bill), currently before the senate.

It Took Just One Call

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American Grandpa makes a decision to begin campaigning for change in American politics. A phone call from his daughter helped him realize how his Republican Party had changed from the reason and optimism of the Reagan party to the fear and crisis of the Trump Party.

Vincey Verses Opie: A Civil Discussion

A Ron Howard claimed authorship of an essay entitled “I am a Liberal” and American Grandpa (using the name Vincey) responds to Opie (THE Ron Howards character in the Andy Griffith Show). Grandpa responds as a Pragmatic Conservative Independent discussing healthcare, education, taxation and government spending, living wage, religion, racism, immigration, and political correctness.

A Pretty Happy Family

Grandpa shares the story of coming to know a wonderful couple and their wonderful journey with their daughter, learning to deal with Rett Syondrome.

BOZ: Prologue & Chapters 1-2

Advertisements BOZ: A Teenager, His Weird Friends and a Quest That Changed Their Lives By Elizabeth Burton Mendenhall Prologue This may be the strangest book you’ve ever read. The story is unique and may seem unbelievable, so I suggest you suspend doubt and just enjoy a great story. And because these events took place in… Continue reading BOZ: Prologue & Chapters 1-2

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BOZ: Chapters 3-5

Advertisements BOZ CHAPTER 3: Taking A Chance (Boz) I had a lot on my mind as I turned into the student lot that morning. I put it all on hold long enough to pilot Bertha into a too-small parking spot on the edge of the lot. Liz was so excited to be at Empire that… Continue reading BOZ: Chapters 3-5

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BOZ: Chapters 6-8

Advertisements BOZ CHAPTER 6: A Little Help From My Friend His steely blue eyes made her want to forget her troubles like the sparkle of a new snowfall makes you forget the cold, dead ground underneath. She was much too sensible to be thinking like this. His hands were like a velvet vise, holding her… Continue reading BOZ: Chapters 6-8

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